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Q: Will this take away a mooring spot on my dock?

A: No, and yes. Dock Setter can be installed almost anywhere on your dock. Ideally you would want it installed in a place where your pad has space to unroll out and the water is at least 6 feet deep.  The water mat can be removed, which will free up space when not in use.

Q: Is my water mat able to be removed from Lily Setter products?

A: Yes! It is as simple as pulling a spring pin located on your roller bar.  

Q: Is the floating water mat included?  

A: No.  We provide you the product to help roll and store your pad.  

Q: How is the Dock Setter installed?

A: This depends on your dock. The Lily Setter easily bolts to 8'' and 10'' truss dock heights. Lily Setter representatives and/or distributors can install at an additional cost.

Q: How can exchange my crank model for a motorized version?

A: We can help with that.  Contact a sales representative to replace at info@lilysetter.com